Thursday, August 13, 2009

Obama Chief - Emanuel - connect the dots - interesting connection

Rahm - Obama Chief of Staff
Edward Whitacre

SBC Chairman Edward and staff picked up a residential security outfit in acquiring telecom Ameritech and was ordered in 2000 by the Federal Communications Commission to divest itself of the property. Ameritech had sunk $1.4 billion into the subsidiary -- SecurityLink -- and SBC thought it could sell it for about that much.

Instead, it ended up selling the unit in 2001 to an investment group represented by Emanuel for $479 million. Whitacre and the SBC board signed off on the deal. The investment group, which was made up of GTCR Goldner Rauner and Covert & Whall, sold the property six months later to Dennis Kozlowski's Tyco for $1 billion.

It was Emanuel's largest payday since he had left politics in 1998 for a stint as an investment banker. In two years, he amassed more than $16 million.

Bill Daley, Brother of Chicago's Mayor Daly, and Bill Clinton's commerce secretary was named SBC's president by Whitacre in 2001. His responsibilities, according to the official release, included regulatory matters, governmental initiatives, and external and international affairs. In other words, he became a lobbyist/door-opener for the corporation. He got a $1.1 million signing bonus from Whitacre, a starting salary of $600,000 and a bonus of no less than $600,000 in 2002, plus stock options, a country-club membership and a monthly car allowance, including free fuel and maintenance.

And now Whitacre is the Chairman of GM.

So much for "Change - Yes We Can" - just more political insider fortunes off the back of the working man.

President Obama - Mistakes or Lies

It seems rather odd that the President, with the many handlers, speech writers and advisors made a mistake when clearly stating multiple times that AARP has endorsed the Health Care Bill.  AARP clarified this stating that.."we have not endorsed this plan .."
In addition, the administration is asking all of us to believe that President Obama selected a child of a clear associate, acquaintance, etc of the Obama campaign, by coincidence.   Some of this is hard to swallow - you decide.
As the BS continues, Americans are continuing to lose faith in this government and the openly deceitful process - trying to pass bills that our representatives have not had time to read - which was squashed by the public.  The deceit continues, and the white house and democrats are now blaming an alleged growth of Militias on Republicans, but who is in control of congress, who is driving these big government programs - Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade, among others.
When the government stops reaching into and taking away freedoms of the American people, the growth or extremists will decline - it is just another example of a lack of accountability on the part of the Democratic party.
  • Rhetoric: President Obama Promises Americans Can Keep Their Current Health Care Coverage. "You know, the interesting thing is we've actually been very clear on what we want. I've said I want to make sure if you have health care you are going to keep it..." (PBS's "The Newshour With Jim Lehrer," 7/20/09)
    • FACT: Analysis Shows Over 88 Million People To Lose Current Insurance Under Government Health Care Takeover. "Under current law, there will be about 158.1 million people who are covered under an employer plan as workers, dependents or early retirees in 2011. If the act were fully implemented in that year, about 88.1 million workers would shift from private employer insurance to the public plan." (John Shelis, Vice President, Lewin Group, "Analysis Of The July 15 Draft Of The American Affordable Health Choices Act Of 2009," 7/17/09)
  • Rhetoric: President Obama Pledges Americans Can Keep Their Doctor. "If you like your plan and you like your doctor, you won't have to do a thing. You keep your plan. You keep your doctor...We're not going to mess with it." (President Barack Obama, Remarks At White House Press Conference, The White House, 6/23/09)
    • FACT: Mayo Clinic Says Government-Run Health Care Will Force Doctors To Drop Patients. '[L]awmakers are on track to approve across-the-board federal payment reductions of $155 billion over 10 years for hospitals ... Mayo and similar health systems object to the sweeping cuts. 'Across-the-board cuts will be harmful to everyone and we think it is particularly bad to penalize the high-value organizations,' said Jeff Korsmo, executive director of the Mayo Clinic Health Policy Center. 'We will have to violate our values in order to stay in business and reduce our access to government patients.'" (Phil Galewitz, "'Model' Health Systems Press Case For Medicare Fix In Reform," Kaiser Health News, 7/20/09)
  • Rhetoric: President Obama Promises No Additional Taxes On Middle Class. "What I've said is, and I have stuck to this point, I don't want to see additional tax burdens on people making $250,000 a year or less." (NBC's "Today Show," 7/21/09)
    • FACT: Democrats' Plan Imposes 2.5% Tax On Uninsured Individuals. "The penalty assessed on people who would be subject to the mandate but did not obtain insurance would equal 2.5 percent of the difference between their adjusted gross income (modified to include tax-exempt interest and certain other sources of income) and the tax filing threshold ..." (Douglas W. Elmendorf, "Preliminary Analysis Of The Insurance Coverage Specifications Provided By The House Tri-Committee Group," Letter To Chairman Rangel, 7/17/09)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Mike Rogers - Makes sense in health care video

Excellent video from Michigan Representative - exposes the flaws in the Health care plan put forth by Congress

CNN Now Implementing Censorship

Today I learned that CNN has decided to prohibit Talk Radio hosts to appear on any of their shows. Is there a valid reason? I haven't heard on yet. It sounds to me that CNN has decided that any views "right" of their views are not worth of airing.

What this means is that CNN is no longer a "NEWS" agency, but is more of a Left wing media outlet. News should provide facts, not just opinions, and the facts are that there is a large part of the US population that is disgusted and disenfranchised by this congress, administration and politics in general, due to the blatant dishonesty. And in fairness, this applies to both sides. The Bush manipulated the news, maybe the intelligence reports (no evidence yet), but any reasonable person now knows that Politics means Manipulation.

The issue that is more disturbing is that this current congress and administration used this as a platform for change, but instead they doubled down on the manipulation, thinking Americans are too stupid to catch them.

We even have commentators going on TV and stating - Americans are too stupid to understand the Health Care bill, thus we have to let Congress handle it themselves - Alan Combs

We are heading in a very bad direction, and we all need to keep voicing our views to our representatives.

When one sees the Government and the media getting together, censoring the information to the public, attempting to shut down Free Speech Talk Radio, pushing bills thru before the peoples representatives have time to read and understand their impact.

Keep paying attention and questioning your representatives as to exactly who they work for.

Stay tuned

Monday, August 10, 2009

Healthcare Reform - FACT or FARCE

Health care Reform is the single biggest cost drag on our economy.

Currently the way our government is approaching it today appears to be very chaotic and rushed to many citizens. Is it good for all, or one-sided for those who don't have coverage, causing those who do to have less???

A few Basic points/questions to help you decide - common sense approach

1. Why would any elected official not read a bill before they vote for it? - seems to undermine the very purpose for electing them and very irresponsible
2. How can we have true health care reform if we don't address one of the top cost drivers - Tort Reform.
3. If this new reform, new health care plan is good for us citizens, it should be good enough for Congress. So why doesn't the Congress add wording to the bill that Congress will receive the exact same health care as everyone else - no exceptions, no variance. Don't they work for the people? is this not a government of, for and by the people??
4. The President, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank have all clearly, multiple times come out on video stating that their preference would be a Single Payer, government controlled system. Why would they now deny that this is their goal.

I think everyone agrees that health care reform is absolutely necessary. However not all agree with the way Congress is handling it - Don't read the bill, just vote for it - NOT

Currently this Congress wants to pass the bill without a full review of it's contents by the members or by the people. Why?????

Never should anything so far reaching, into every citizens home and life, be implemented without careful and complete planning, focusing on the top issues, top problems, top cost drivers, and establishing intelligent methods to address each completely.

We vote for our Congressman and Women to represent us and our views, but if they don't read the bills they vote for how can they accomplish this. This is neither a Democrat or Republican Issues, but one affecting all.

We really need to stop the partisan rhetoric and focus on the facts, with clear and honest information from our government. Please contact your congressman/women and ask them to answer the above questions. If they do and you think their answer is a reasonable and responsible answer, post it here and let's all discuss. If they can't answer these to your satisfaction, then something underhanded is afoot and we all lose.