Wednesday, August 12, 2009

CNN Now Implementing Censorship

Today I learned that CNN has decided to prohibit Talk Radio hosts to appear on any of their shows. Is there a valid reason? I haven't heard on yet. It sounds to me that CNN has decided that any views "right" of their views are not worth of airing.

What this means is that CNN is no longer a "NEWS" agency, but is more of a Left wing media outlet. News should provide facts, not just opinions, and the facts are that there is a large part of the US population that is disgusted and disenfranchised by this congress, administration and politics in general, due to the blatant dishonesty. And in fairness, this applies to both sides. The Bush manipulated the news, maybe the intelligence reports (no evidence yet), but any reasonable person now knows that Politics means Manipulation.

The issue that is more disturbing is that this current congress and administration used this as a platform for change, but instead they doubled down on the manipulation, thinking Americans are too stupid to catch them.

We even have commentators going on TV and stating - Americans are too stupid to understand the Health Care bill, thus we have to let Congress handle it themselves - Alan Combs

We are heading in a very bad direction, and we all need to keep voicing our views to our representatives.

When one sees the Government and the media getting together, censoring the information to the public, attempting to shut down Free Speech Talk Radio, pushing bills thru before the peoples representatives have time to read and understand their impact.

Keep paying attention and questioning your representatives as to exactly who they work for.

Stay tuned

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