Thursday, August 13, 2009

President Obama - Mistakes or Lies

It seems rather odd that the President, with the many handlers, speech writers and advisors made a mistake when clearly stating multiple times that AARP has endorsed the Health Care Bill.  AARP clarified this stating that.."we have not endorsed this plan .."
In addition, the administration is asking all of us to believe that President Obama selected a child of a clear associate, acquaintance, etc of the Obama campaign, by coincidence.   Some of this is hard to swallow - you decide.
As the BS continues, Americans are continuing to lose faith in this government and the openly deceitful process - trying to pass bills that our representatives have not had time to read - which was squashed by the public.  The deceit continues, and the white house and democrats are now blaming an alleged growth of Militias on Republicans, but who is in control of congress, who is driving these big government programs - Health Care Reform, Cap and Trade, among others.
When the government stops reaching into and taking away freedoms of the American people, the growth or extremists will decline - it is just another example of a lack of accountability on the part of the Democratic party.

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